"Kind thoughts give power to words and works. Without kind thoughts, there can be no charity. The kind thought is the mold into which charity is cast. The thought eventually takes shape in words and works of charity, but it remains always the quickening power of these words and works, giving them their beauty, life and worth. The kind thought constitutes the most precious element of even the greatest works of charity." Fr. Lawrence Lovasik
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And their stats are proving their worth.The first is an inspirational video about the power of giving.
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A couple of months ago, I was writing a series of articles for a leadership magazine on character, and I was looking for a way of measuring how a person might change his or her behavior based upon external pressures, expectations, context, etc. - i.e. Why someone's integrity could be at stake, or Whether some are more likely to act not out of virtue, but out of pressure from something or someone on the outside.
I stumbled upon a "Self-Monitoring Scale" online and ordered a cheap copy of the book on self-monitoring by Sunder & Snyder. I don't know how much traction the theory has in professional circles, and I haven't done much explicitly with the results of the test I took. However, it may be of interest to you in your path to greater self-awareness and understanding.
To take the online test, click here.
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Have a lot of stress? Ever felt your heart race? Palms sweat? Get exhausted with the "stuff" of your life or work?
Stress signals make most fear for their health. This speaker says that's only one perspective.
How stress may not shorten your life, and how it can open you up to closer human relationships...
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