Beautiful Indianapolis afternoon |
It started out like any other day. Or,
unlike any other day, really.
I have been working hard these past several days, trying to get ready to head out from Saint Meinrad for NCYC (
National Catholic Youth Conference) in Indianapolis... followed by a personal retreat, break, Thanksgiving, and a trip to Chicago with my family. Tying up loose ends, turning in papers - some several days early, and also trying to have some social and prayer time… it has been busy.
I've also been trying, on a personal level, to make more time to do the things I like to do. Often, we can get so busy meeting the needs of others - or thinking we're meeting their needs - that we neglect what is actually good for
us. And I have been a bit of a starving baker recently...
And I guess that makes today so different.
I've been different. I cranked through a rather difficult paper last night, making myself sit and read and write until it was finished... different than working off and on for hours or days. Then, although I was a bit tired, I stuck to my routine of watching an episode with a couple of friends before going to bed last night: different than thinking I needed
my sleep when I really needed social time. Different because I woke up and sat to pray, rather than turning on the phone or starting work or doing emails. Different because I went back to my room after Mass, rather than going straight to breakfast, because I needed a little more solitude. And different because on my drive up, I took my time, not allowing expectations or demands of others get in the way of just enjoying the beautiful day and drive up to Indy... listening to NPR and praying a rosary...
And what I encountered the whole way was
so beautiful.
Here's what I mean. The ladies working at Subway went out of their way to smile and make the sandwich just the way I wanted it. They joked and laughed and even asked how I was - and I think it was because I didn't have my phone in hand or look too busy to talk or whatever. Then, hours later, the valet at the hotel, Adam, walked up to my door and before I could even step out of the car, greeted me with a huge smile and immediately spoke about my and his faith. He knew I was here for NCYC, and he spoke about how excited he was for the conference to be in town, and that he is a parishioner on the south-side. He then went out of his way to help me get my bags and hold the car without charging me for parking or even hinting at a tip.
The strangest thing: when I walked into the
JW Marriott, the lady at the counter, Courtney, look at me with so much joy. She even said, "
Wow! You're just so happy. I can feel it." I have to admit, I was a bit nervous at first, thinking
maybe she didn't realize that I was called to a celibate vocation. However, when she asked why I was in town and found out that I was in seminary, to which she said, "You mean..." and I responded, "Studying to become a priest," she got a bit teary-eyed, saying, "I knew it. The Holy Spirit is here. The anointing is thick." Now, I know that employees at hotels this nice are trained to interact with customers well, but this was beyond typical hospitality. And, for me, it meant the world to see so much joy here on earth.
John the Baptist proclaimed the nearness of God’s kingdom as he looked for the Messiah (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; Mark 1:15). Literally translated, he said, the Kingdom “has come near.”
NCYC hall for Mass and events (Ind. Conv. Cntr) |
So often we think that we are on earth just to live for Heaven. However, the Kingdom of Heaven
has come near. Jesus
came. He established a new community on earth, a model of what is to come. And when we simply step out of the monotony of our daily routines and perspectives, the difference it makes is astounding.
If we but do something different, something to knock ourselves out of our worldly routines - even ones that aimed at holy things, we see with fresh eyes what Jesus established: a people all his own, Christ among us.

After we did some prep work for NCYC, a friend of mine and I went out to eat at a local restaurant downtown. Small group of people were walking out when we were trying to walk in. Once inside, the staff was quite stirred up. Rather than just letting it go, I asked about the mood, and the lady said, "
That was Lady Antebellum! Didn't you just see them?"
Yeah, I held the door, and they thanked me as commonly as anyone.
I would have had no idea what had happened had I not stepped out of my norm to engage with the woman at the restaurant.
Today would have been an ordinary day. But it was different. And what if this different became the norm?
"For behold, the kingdom of God is among you." ~Luke 17:21
View from my room as I type this post |
Image sources:
Lady Antebellum, and others from my iPhone