1. All baptized men and women are called to image Christ to the world. As ordination moves ever closer, I've been thinking more about how priests are called to stand in the Person of Christ in three particular ways: as teachers, as sanctifiers, and as governors.

    The primary task of a priest is evangelization, spreading the Good News. Preaching at Mass, teaching religion class, writing letters in the bulletin, answering questions with families as he visits their homes… all of these acts comprise the teaching function of priests. By his words, he announces the Gospel to his parishioners and to all peoples that the Word of God in his own voice might bring the wayward home.

    The priest is also called to sanctify. Some might ask, “What does Father do all week after Mass on the weekends or in the mornings?” Well, a lot! To be sure, the priest’s primary means of opening up the grace of God to the world is the liturgy, and he sanctifies the world in the Mass. However, he also sanctifies by praying the Liturgy of the Hours five times every day, by visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and maybe your home to offer Communion to the sick; by preparing Catholics for Sacraments, anointing the dying, and reminding all that Christ is present among them. He sits in the confessional awaiting the moment to provide a sinner with God’s forgiveness, and he meets with married couples still working out their wedding vows after 5 or 20 or 40 years in the Sacrament of Matrimony.

    The final of these “munera” or “functions” of the priest is his governing service. Jesus Christ was the Shepherd, the leader of the disciples, and Jesus remains the Head of the Church. Priests share in this headship of Christ in their own leadership of the flock entrusted to their care. They are the face of the Son’s own governance of the Church in their recognizing and calling forth the gifts and talents of each person under their care; as he distributes resources to those who are in need; as he orders a calendar in his office so that no member or group is left out; as he listens to the wisdom of those on parish councils; and as he contributes from his own monetary and personal gifts to the weekly collection.

    The life of the priest is indeed beautiful, precisely because it is the life striving to imitate the love of the life of Jesus Christ.

  2. If you have ever fallen in love, you know what it does to you. It changes everything. You text or call that person all the time. You walk the long way to the parking lot or peek into Starbucks to see if the one you love might be there.

    Falling in love even affects how you act around people you are not necessarily in love with. You’re more patient around your family. You’re gentler to the slow waiter at the restaurant. Why? Because falling in love changes everything.

    Have you fallen in love yet?

    It is approaching the end for Jesus’ incarnational presence with his disciples in our Sunday Mass readings since Easter, and Jesus spends his last moments teaching his disciples by telling them, “I give you a new commandment: love one another” (Jn 13:34).

    Have you fallen in love yet?

    Do you recall the right word from a priest’s homily that spoke exactly to your heart longing to hear from God—and you knew God loved you? Did you know God’s love in the comfort of a friend who answered the phone or stopped her studies to listen when you were sad or angry or lonely—and you knew God’s love? Was it in the joy you shared with someone as you shared good news of the birth of a child—and you knew God’s love?

    Jesus gave us this way to know his love: when others love us, and so he asks us to show that love to others so they know his love, too.

    Have you fallen in love yet?

    Falling in love changes everything, because love changes us. By putting us, when we touch another who can’t feel any love or whisper a kind word to someone deaf to kindness or look upon another who sees no worth in himself—love like that puts us not just in relationship with the dignity of another human being, but it puts us in direct relationship with God himself. And doesn’t the world need more love like that?

    If you have ever fallen in love, you know what it does to you. Jesus’ commandment to love one another is only given because it follows his gift of love to his disciples, and if they have fallen in love, the command to love another only becomes the most natural thing to do.

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