Here is an audio clip of my homily on vocations from November 13, 2016
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They can no longer die, for they are like angels;I went to the new movie Dr. Strange this weekend, and with the Sunday readings for this week on my mind, one scene stuck out to me.
and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.
Do we hoard possessions?If death makes life worth living, then WHY?! What is it about death that makes life worthwhile?
Do we need status, and I mean are we at the point where we really feel like we “need” certain friends or dozens of likes or bigger this or prettier that to feel like life is worth it?
Do we crave pleasure, food, alcohol or sex to the point that our bodies cannot function well anymore?
Or is technology our new reality because we just must escape this life?
They can no longer die, for they are like angels;What makes life worth living? “It’s death that makes life worth living”?
and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.
Die to my bottomless pit of wantsWhat if we did die to those things?! What if?!
Die to my ego
Die to my selfishness
Die to my habit of making myself feel good at the expense of other people
Die to my cravings for pleasure, for a high, for…
Die to my need for escape, and instead, to embrace death, to embrace with open arms the fullness of the reality found a Cross, my cross, your cross that is so close and so big and so ominous that I cannot see around it
for [we will be] like angels;and [we shall become] the children of God because [we] are the ones who will rise.
We are supposed to minimize our cooperation in evil. One might see proportionate reasons in Trump himself (and not merely in comparison to Hillary) to hold their nose and vote Trump; I disagree, but I am not talking to those people, who may well be in good conscience. Rather, I am talking to those that keep repeating calls to violate conscience (sin), or to choose the lesser evil (sin). Those avenues are traps of the devil. Instead, inform your conscience rather than violating it, and always remember that the first precept of the natural law is, “do good, shun evil,” not “do alright, minimize evil.”If you haven't scanned the Table of Contents from the Bishops' document on US elections, here is a link. It's worth reading the topics that you are curious about.
If you think that there is a contribution to the common good that Trump will make and that is proportionately grave enough to justify material cooperation in whatever ill you think he will likely cause, then you have a case that he is a moral means [to something good], and the “worse-ness” of Hillary would be an added reason as to why one might choose [to vote for Trump]. But if that is not the case, then you are faced with [casting a vote for Trump] being an immoral choice no matter how much worse Hillary would be—it is excluded even before considering her. In which case, while you may re-examine Trump in light of the common good, you must reject temptations that come from scaremongering and villainization of Hillary. You must reject the idea that you should set aside your conscience because you “have to do something.”In fact, there are many men and women who have filed to run for the office of President of the United States. Read up on their platforms by clicking below. You can also search whether their names will be on the ballot in your state. These are just some of the many candidates running. Run a general search to find more.