1. One area that usually gives parents parenting anxiety is talking with their children about sex and sexuality. Some are so nervous or dumbfounded that they simply don't bring it up at all.

    Here is a great, 5-minute video from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("LDS" or "Mormons") that you can watch to give you either a good vocabulary and approach in how to talk about this with your kids. Or, it might even be good to watch with them and then talk about it after.

    Some children are exposed to pornographic images as early as 3rd grade. If they don't hear about it from you, they will likely not bring it up with you. And secrets can yield not only distance in relationships but bad habits and misperceptions about what God created to be beautiful.


    Image source

  2. Homily - Lead us Knot into Temptation
    First Sunday of Lent
    Saint John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, Indiana - March 5, 2017
    Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11

    EXCERPT: And isn’t that every temptation?! Isn’t that the “why” of every single sin we commit?! Giving into temptation is a result of not believing that God really meant what he said, that he really created us as perfect in his eyes, and since we cannot or do not or will not believe that fundamental truth, we listen to the voice of temptation, of the devil, of the serpent that whispers: 'you need that, you deserved that, you will be happier if…'

    And yet when we listen to that voice of deception, that voice of temptation, we end up on the other side asking ourselves, “Wait? What… what voice was that again? To whom did I just listen?” and another knot (“not”) is tied into our lives...

    Listen to the full version here: Audio link of the homily

    Image source: The Sistine Chapel, by Michelangelo, Rome, Italy, circa 1512
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