How the Democratic Party is Aborting Catholics
How the Democratic Party is Aborting Catholics
Norcia: a Year Later, an Eternity Ahead
Follow those desires
Follow those desires
To whom are we listening?
A trespassing digger as a model?
Choose Your Burdens - Homily
Could today be your 'independence day'?
Reflection - Finish a good book
Homily - The Most Holy Trinity
Article - A more 'devout' family life
Homily - Farewell Masses
Homily - My First Homily in Newburgh
Homily - Claiming altars to unknown gods
Homily - Claiming altars to unknown gods
Homily - There is no 'Plan B'
Homily - Be Christian
Reflection - The Busyness & Brotherhood of Priesthood
Homily - Maggie's wish
Third Graders' Faith Questions
Homily - I've seen people rise
Homily - I've seen people rise
Talking with Your Children about Pornography
Talking with Your Children about Pornography
Homily - Lead us Knot into Temptation
Homily - Lead us Knot into Temptation
My ‘First 100 Days’ as a Priest
Top 10 Posts
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Happy National Marriage Week
God's Epiphany, Not Ours - Homily
God's Epiphany, Not Ours - Homily
What do you keep in your heart? - Homily
What do you keep in your heart? - Homily
200 Days as a Priest
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Holy Hour for Vocations - Homily
Holy Hour for Vocations - Homily
Reconciliation Service - Homily
Reconciliation Service - Homily
Vocations - Homily
Vocations - Homily
Thanks Giving - Homily
Thanks Giving - Homily
Homily - We Will Rise
Homily - We Will Rise
Catholic Moral Theology & the Election
Catholic Moral Theology & the Election
Homily - All Saints Day
Care for Our Common Home
Mike Rowe: 'I won't encourage to vote for either one'
Mike Rowe: 'I won't encourage to vote for either one'
'Increase Our Faith'? Ok. But Do Your Part...
The Saint that Keeps on Giving
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Our Faith
Homily - Sister Cecilia Maria
Homily - Sister Cecilia Maria
Sts. Peter & Paul - Thank You!
The Priest
Falling in Love
Falling in Love
It Is Your Job
It Is Your Job
Time to Rejoice
Time to Rejoice
Playing with Legos
Good Works: for Heaven or for Earth?
Returning to Dust
Returning to Dust
Personal and Social Sin
Year of Mercy Ideas
Year of Mercy
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The End of the World
All Saints Day
“Good Homily”
Little Things
The New 'Reality TV' (repost)
The New 'Reality TV' (repost)
Continuing the Mission
Happy Priestly Life
Pro-Life? Prove it.
If we only knew
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Pope Francis Recalls Charism of St John Bosco (repost)
Don’t Hold Back
11 Things Productive People Do (repost)
11 Things Productive People Do (repost)
Same-Sex Marriage: What Can We Do?
Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment
Becoming the Body
50 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You (a repost)
50 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You (a repost)
Miracles Dont' Need to Be Common
Because He Said To
Catholic Social Teaching: Subsidiarity—the “local” principle
3 Things Students Desire to Hear From Teachers (a repost)
3 Things Students Desire to Hear From Teachers (a repost)
Celebrating Vocations
God Provides
No. That’s not poverty.
My Stand Off with a Gate Agent
Why The Pill is a Problem
The priest who said 'no' to charity
Repurpose your private property
Playing the Piano and Living the Faith
Making Easter Worth the Lent
Holy Week
Running out of the Death Penalty Drug
“But that’s not fair!”
How we live & what we believe
Man Invites His Mugger to Supper
Giving Yourself this Lent
Ash Wednesday
A Guide to Prayer
Am I called to a ‘devout life’?
Do we recognize them?
What is Catholic Culture?
Be Where You Are
Be Where You Are
Passages for Prayer
Woman with SSA shares her story
Woman with SSA shares her story
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