I try to avoid politics as a priest. My job is to be a bridge, and we have all experienced the walls that go up when someone speaks about political issues.
Today I received a video from my sister of my almost 1 year old niece walking. If you have watched younger siblings or nieces or nephews take their first steps, you know how exciting it is.
Claiming the altars to unknown gods
HOMILY – Wednesday of the Sith Week of Easter
Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Newburgh – May 24, 2017
Acts 17
The passage about St. Paul from Acts 17:15, 22 to 18:1 contains a valuable lesson for us today about introducing someone to Christ.
HOMILY – Wednesday of the Sith Week of Easter
Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Newburgh – May 24, 2017
Acts 17
The passage about St. Paul from Acts 17:15, 22 to 18:1 contains a valuable lesson for us today about introducing someone to Christ.
Homily - I've seen people rise
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Saint John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, and UE & USI, Evansville, Indiana - April 2, 2017
Ezekiel 37, Romans 8, John 11
Audio of this homily
We profess that we believe in the new life Jesus offers, but we walk around without hope, like we’re
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Saint John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, and UE & USI, Evansville, Indiana - April 2, 2017
Ezekiel 37, Romans 8, John 11
Audio of this homily
We profess that we believe in the new life Jesus offers, but we walk around without hope, like we’re
One area that usually gives parents parenting anxiety is talking with their children about sex and sexuality. Some are so nervous or dumbfounded that they simply don't bring it up at all.
Homily - Lead us Knot into Temptation
First Sunday of Lent
Saint John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, Indiana - March 5, 2017
Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11
EXCERPT: And isn’t that every temptation?! Isn’t that the “why” of every single sin we commit?! Giving into temptation is a result of n
First Sunday of Lent
Saint John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, Indiana - March 5, 2017
Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11
EXCERPT: And isn’t that every temptation?! Isn’t that the “why” of every single sin we commit?! Giving into temptation is a result of n
This past week, I posted a short reflection on the beauty of marriage. I didn't expect it to touch so many. In fact, in just a few days, it became one of the most-viewed posts on my blog ever.
SUMMARY: If you want to find God, stop searching in worldly ways, and, instead, imitate not the searching by the wise men but imitate their recognition that God revealed himself. When we follow His Revelation in our Church today, we, like the wise men, will see God.
And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart
What is it that you keep and ponder in your heart?
It’s the New Year, and we celebrate who on Day One of 2017? Mary. Maybe we're supposed to learn something from her.
What is it that you keep and ponder in your heart?
It’s the New Year, and we celebrate who on Day One of 2017? Mary. Maybe we're supposed to learn something from her.
Holy Hour for Vocations – Evening Prayer and Adoration before the Priestly Ordination of Deacon Homero Rodriguez
Philippians 4:4-5
About two years ago, after a daily Mass at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, we students and monks processed out of our many chapel doorways and gathered
Philippians 4:4-5
About two years ago, after a daily Mass at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, we students and monks processed out of our many chapel doorways and gathered
Parish Reconciliation Service
Luke 15:11-32
There are times in life where we need to restrain ourselves, where we need to hold back. And there are times when we need to hold nothing back. In this story of the Prodigal Son, we see both.
The younger son doesn’t hold back.
Luke 15:11-32
There are times in life where we need to restrain ourselves, where we need to hold back. And there are times when we need to hold nothing back. In this story of the Prodigal Son, we see both.
The younger son doesn’t hold back.
Here is an audio clip of my homily on vocations from November 13, 2016
Image source
Image source
Are you grateful, what are you grateful for, and do you show it?
Are you grateful? Here’s what I’m grateful for at Saint John the Baptist.
Are you grateful? Here’s what I’m grateful for at Saint John the Baptist.
Two of our readings today are about death, and the first reading (2 Mac 7) is really quite disturbing. A mother and her seven sons are captured and told to violate God’s law or suffer torture and death. And sure enough, one by one, each son refuses to denounce his God, and is therefore killed.
We are supposed to minimize our cooperation in evil. One might see proportionate reasons in Trump himself (and not merely in comparison to Hillary) to hold their nose and vote Trump; I disagree, but I am not talking to those people, who may well be in good conscience.
I've followed this election season pretty closely, and I have still not made up my mind on which presidential candidate I will vote for. I have decided on many other races at the local, state and national level, but for the highest office...
To listen to an audio recording of this homily, click here
In a quiet convent in Buenos Aires, Argentina lived a 43-year-old nun named Sister Cecilia Maria. She was known for her perpetual smile.
In a quiet convent in Buenos Aires, Argentina lived a 43-year-old nun named Sister Cecilia Maria. She was known for her perpetual smile.