I try to avoid politics as a priest. My job is to be a bridge, and we have all experienced the walls that go up when someone speaks about political issues. That said, sometimes politics needs to be addressed, admonished, or corrected, and on the issue of abortion, I believe we are entering a watershed moment, a moment where people in the 'middle' are being divided into currents. Unfortunately, it seems those currents are only two: Red and Blue, and they run further apart every day.
Recent weeks have seen political leaders and other advocates speaking candidly about aborting children and showing their joyful support of 'the right to choose'. In one case on January 22 the New York Senate passed a bill allowing for abortions up to the moment of birth, and there was raucous cheering and jubilation for people who see abortion as a 'women's rights' or a 'personal choice' issue. Ironically, the Freedom Tower's spire shined pink as it strained toward the heavens. Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo had directed the tower's lighting.
Six days later, on January 28, Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran presented a bill in Virginia. In the hearing, she admits that her bill would allow a physician to decide whether to kill an unborn child even at the point where the mother is in the hospital, 'dilating' and ready to give birth. 
On January 30 Democratic Governor Ralph Northam was interviewed on the radio and asked to help clarify Tran's comments. He said that "the infant would be delivered...kept comfortable...then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," insinuating that terminating the now-born-child would still be an option.
On January 31, Kathy Tran posted a video clarifying her comments, and hear me out, we all make mistakes when we speak. We should allow people to clarify their statements. However, Tran made no mention of changing her thoughts or amending legislation that would prevent killing a child who is minutes from breathing on it's own. Often, our unprepared words reveal our true thoughts.
I have not found Northam's correction of his comments to include not allowing a baby who is born to be killed or to be left to die (let alone not permitting an abortion at all) although he did hold a press conference the following day (Jan 31) to address his previous radio show comments.
Last night, February 5, as Republican President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union to Congress, he stated the following (~55 minutes into the speech): "To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb." From the video and many reports I have read, and at an event where it has become custom to cheer for that which resonates with you and/or your constituents, it appears every Republican politician stood and clapped and that no Democrats rose or applauded. Trump's next line was also met with a response, "Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life." It seems to have gotten some standing and some clapping from the Democratic side of the room. Unfortunately, because of his (in my opinion) poor delivery of this next line, no one assented or dissented to the last words of this part of his speech: "And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children born and unborn are made in the holy image of God.” But he still said it as he stood underneath the stone-engraved words of the front of the chamber: "IN GOD WE TRUST."
I have voted for Democratic candidates and Republican candidates in every election in which I have participated. I have visited both Democrat and Republican lawmakers in their offices in Indianapolis and in Washington. I am staunchly pro-environment and renewable energy, I am against institutional racism, and I am for women and men receiving equal remuneration for equal work. These are typically pushed by the Democratic agenda. I am also staunchly pro-religious freedom, in favor of limited government, and for school choice voucher programs, and these are usually more "Republican" platform items.
But as important as pay and caring for the earth are, and as important as it is that government allows communities govern themselves and that parents choose how their children are educated, when an entire political party seems to have given up on the notion that killing a baby is always wrong it makes it very difficult to want to vote for anyone who assumes their mantle. Nearly the entire chamber – both parties – rose to wild applause when Trump stated that there are "more women serving in Congress than every before" (~41 min mark). Agreed! I also thought the wearing of white made a powerful statement. Both parties support an increase of women in office. The whole room also stood multiple times for military veterans keeping us safe. But no one in the Democratic Party will stand for unborn children when they were so willing to stand and applaud themselves for being elected and for being kept safe?
Catholics are not Democrats or Republicans simply by being Catholic. Neither party enshrines our Creed. 
But Catholics follow Jesus Christ who harms no one, who calls forth children, who condemns murder, and who designed us to create and raise human life.
If we are wondering why we cannot agree on whether an abortion is a “woman’s choice” or “murder” maybe it is because we no longer believe God has a role in Creation. Maybe we do not believe that "all children born and unborn are made in the holy image of God.” Perhaps that's why the President delivered that line less than convictedly. Perhaps he did it not for his own belief, but for his Party. Regardless, he put those words before our judgement. 
Do we believe that human beings are made in God's image? Whether 80 years old? Or 8 minutes before being born? Or 8 hours after being conceived by her or his parents?
For if a person – “born or unborn” – is not in God’s image, ‘then I guess I am the only god' we start to think. 'I created this lump of cells, and I am greater than it is. Since I have power over it, and there is no other Power over it or me, I can choose to abort it,' the logic follows. 'And I can make a choice in early in pregnancy or just before delivery or even after it is delivered and we have 'kept [the child] comfortable’ to use the Governor's words.
Many reports say that the vast majority, up to 80% of Americans oppose late term abortions, and yet one political party has recently shown their agenda is not based on that statistic. What are they trying to do? Why are they willingly forcing faithful, informed Catholics to leave their ranks? It will only become increasingly difficult for me to continue to say that after every election, I voted for candidates of both parties.
I believe we are entering a watershed moment, and while I see reasons for despair, I also see more voices speaking up for the truth. More faithful Catholic women and men, teenagers and grown adults, see what is happening and are speaking up. I want to join them. I need to join them.
Let us help both parties hear what seems to me to be the most decisive issue –– the right to life and the dignity of the human person. For both Democrats and Republicans have good they are trying to do, and we need them both to bring us along.
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